Teen Talk: Developing Tools to Successfully Manage Stress, Anxiety, Emotions, Friends, School, and Daily Life

Teens deal with a lot. Balancing schoolwork, sports, activities, jobs and relationships all while hearing messages about what to think, say, wear, and do can feel overwhelming, confusing, and create emotional vulnerablities.

This group helps older teens identify and unpack the assumptions and messages received to find their own voice and make choices that will help them advance their goals while staying true and kind to themselves.

Big transitions and decisions about life after high school, college, jobs, careers, intimate relationships and even core beliefs and values are emerging daily.

This is an unusual, vulnerable time. Navigating the teenage years is hard enough, but it has become even more difficult with the uncertainty of the world and with significant changes in how schools are operating.

Socializing for many teens has completely stopped, radically changed, and might primarily consist of text messaging, social media posts, or engaging in chats while playing video games. There might be an occasional in-person meet-up with a subset of friends. But life and the issues adolescents normally face as part of this developmental right of passage have not stopped. Kids are still struggling with stress, anxiety, depression, self-esteem, confidence, executive functioning, relationships, identity, school, and more. 

It is important, now more than ever, that kids have an outlet – a place where they belong, where they can talk about the issues that are affecting them, where they are accepted for who they are, and where they can learn and practice coping skills to get them through the tough times, and fully enjoy the good times. Our teen talk groups provide a safe refuge for youth.